Celebrating the civic holidays
September 3 - Session 10
celebrating the civic holidays
This webinar focused on tips for planning effective activations for the four nonpartisan Civic Holidays: National Voter Registration Day, National Voter Education Week, Vote Early Day, and Election Hero Day. The saved chat can be found here and the transcript can be found here. The webinar recording and slideshow can be found below.
Amanda Hollowell, managing director of national organizing at When We All Vote, discussed opportunities for community engagement and mobilization around the Civic Holidays and throughout election season. Chyann Sapp, campaign director of National Voter Registration Day, highlighted ways to celebrate National Voter Registration Day on September 17 and resources that the organization makes available to support these activations. Bryce Bennett, executive director of Vote Early Day, gave an overview of the full suite of Civic Holidays and how each builds on the one before, and provided an introduction to Vote Early Day's partner resources. Rohini Nambiar gave an overview of Election Hero Day and how to get involved, including ideas for in-person activations and social media included in the Election Hero Day Partner Toolkit.
To make it easier for partners to plan ahead and organize their Civic Holidays celebrations, Our Homes, Our Votes compiled a factsheet that summarizes each Civic Holiday and provides suggested activations for each one.
The following resources were shared on the call:
Civic Holidays signup link: https://slsvcoalition.typeform.com/to/ILY5IXnn?utm_source=NLIHC#source=NLIHC
When We All Vote party at the polls: https://whenweallvote.org/partyatthepolls/
Form your voting squad: https://whenweallvote.org/voting-squad/
National Voter Registration Day 50 State Guides: https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/state-voter-guides/
Get involved with Vote Early Day: https://voteearlyday.org/get-involved/
Election Hero Day: https://www.electionheroday.org/
Get involved with When We All Vote: https://whenweallvote.org/takeaction/partner/
Pizza to the Polls: https://polls.pizza/
VoteRiders: www.voteriders.org
BallotReady: https://www.ballotready.org/
Vote411: https://www.vote411.org/
Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE, https://866ourvote.org/
Resources on overseas voting: https://www.fvap.gov/citizen-voter
Florida Rights Restoration Coalition: https://floridarrc.com/
Subscribe to NLIHC email list: https://nlihc.org/sign-receive-nlihc-emails
Become an affiliate: https://www.ourhomes-ourvotes.org/affiliates
TurboVote: https://ourhomes.turbovote.org/?r=webinars
Our Homes, Our Votes resource library: https://www.ourhomes-ourvotes.org/resources
Become a National Voter Registration Day partner: https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/2024-partner-sign-up/?partner=nlihc24&source24=pp