Join Our Homes, Our Votes:
Housing Providers Council

Elected officials and candidates need to know: Voters Live Here!
Let’s build a massive voting bloc of informed, mobilized renters

All housing providers are welcome to join!
Public housing agencies, non-profit housing providers, for-profit housing providers, tribal housing organizations & more
Because of barriers to the ballot box, renters vote at lower rates than homeowners, leading renters to be underrepresented in the democratic process. The turnout disparities between low-income and high-income households are even greater.
Housing providers are in a unique position to address these disparities by encouraging renters to vote, facilitating access to voter registration, and getting out the vote in their communities. The Housing Providers Council convenes propertymanagers, developers, and resident services staff that are eager to boost resident voter turnout.
Participation in the Housing Providers Council is completely free, and there are no membership fees. Participants must:
Commit to engage in election activities in a nonpartisan manner;
Provide a contact person who will represent your organization in bimonthly planning conversations; and
Follow all relevant election laws.
Reasons to Participate
Technical support. NLIHC's Our Homes, Our Votes campaign will provide training and assistance to resident services and property management staff working to register and mobilize voters.
Template materials. Sample collateral such as posters, flyers, newsletter articles, mailings, and voter guides will be provided. These materials can be co-branded for each Housing Providers Council participant to include your logo.
Partnership with election organizations. The Our Homes, Our Votes campaign has developed strong partnerships with organizations that can provide help on issues ranging from organizing targeted voter registration drives to providing voter transportation to accessing voter ID. Participants in the Housing Providers Council will gain connection to these partners and their assistance.
Media amplification of efforts. Our Homes, Our Votes will feature the efforts of the Housing Providers Council in social media engagement, blog posts, and email newsletters.
Peer learning. The Housing Providers Council will provide a venue through which staff can connect with one another to share about challenges, discuss best practices, and develop innovative solutions. Housing Providers Council members will participate in bimonthly meetings that provide a space to share successful strategies and receive feedback on resident voter engagement initiatives.
Fill out This form to join the Housing Providers Council today!
Action Housing
Anchorage Affordable Housing & Land Trust
Beacon Communities
Brompton Community Housing Development Corporation
BTG Development
CHR Partners
Church Housing Corporation
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
CommonBond Communities
EAH Housing
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
Eden Housing
Enterprise Community Development
Full Circle Communities
HDC MidAtlantic
Homes for America, Inc.
Hope Communities
Jonathan Rose Companies
Lighthouse MI
LM Dev Partners
MACC Development
Maiker HP
McCormack Baron Salazar
Mercy Housing
Millenia Housing Management, LTD
MRK Partners
National Housing Trust
Neighborhood Associates Corporation
New Jersey Community Capital
NRP Group
One Neighborhood Builders
Operation Pathways
Peabody Properties, Inc.
Peggy Alsup & John Glenn Residences
Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS)
Portfolio Resident Services
Preservation Management, Inc.
Preservation of Affordable Housing
RCD Housing
Renewal Housing Associates
Royal American Management
Somerset Development Company
Sponsors, Inc.
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
Texas Interfaith and 40i Management
The Community Builders
TM Associates Management, Inc.
Volunteers of America Northern New England
West Elmwood Housing
Wisconsin Housing Preservation Corporation
Woda Group
Women's Development Corporation

To build further momentum for resident voter engagement in the 2022 midterm election season, the Housing Providers Council launched the Welcome to Vote Pledge. Signers of the Welcome to Vote Pledge commit to integrating voter registration into the lease-up and income recertification processes in their properties, encouraging nonpartisan voter education and mobilization activities, and undertaking all voter engagement work in a fully nonpartisan manner and in compliance with all relevant state election laws. The initial list of pledge signers includes 22 organizations that collectively own or manage more than 257,000 units across 41 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The launch of the pledge coincided with the tenth annual National Voter Registration Day (September 20, 2022), a national, nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to celebrating our democracy by registering as many eligible Americans to vote as possible.
If your organization is interested in joining the pledge, please email
This article from the NLIHC Advocates' Guide lists 10 best practices for housing providers as they get started on their nonpartisan voter engagement initiatives.