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Session 13
Voter Mobilization Part 2 – Protecting low income people from voter intimidation and voter caging tactics
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 3:00PM ET


Presenters will explore community efforts to staff polling locations with well-trained volunteers to protect against intimidation efforts. Ultimately, educating voters in advance about going to the polls even if they have been told their registration is not current is the best practice along with ensuring that everyone casts at least a provisional ballot. The discussion will also highlight the importance of establishing relationships with election officials who monitor polling locations in advance of Election Day.

Content Outline:​
  • Overview of Our Homes, Our Votes

  • Update on COVID-19 Advocacy

  • Become an Affiliate of Our Homes, Our Votes

  • Housing Providers Council

  • Protecting against Voter Suppression and Intimidation

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