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2024 Webinar series

The National Low Income Housing Coalition provides resources, tools, and trainings to housing advocates, housing providers, direct services organizations, and tenant leaders who are dedicated to boosting voter turnout among low-income renters in their communities. Showing elected officials that low-income renters are a powerful voting constituency is essential to advancing racially and socially equitable housing policies at the federal, state, and local levels. To provide detailed information on the components of a nonpartisan election campaign, NLIHC hosts a series of webinars in federal election years. These discussions will feature experts and advocates with frontline experience in election efforts.


The Our Homes, Our Votes: 2024 webinar series will launch on Monday, April 15, at 2:30pm ET. The webinar dates and topics are listed below. All webinars will be held from 2:30 to 3:30pm ET. Register for the webinar series here.

Monday, April 15

Our Homes, Our Votes: 2024 Kickoff

The same communities that face the greatest barriers to securing stable, accessible, affordable homes also face the greatest barriers to voting. This webinar will kick off the Our Homes, Our Votes: 2024 webinar series with an overview of the connection between housing justice and political participation, the effectiveness of nonpartisan voter engagement campaigns, and why housing and homelessness advocates should get involved in the 2024 election cycle.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, and presentation slides.

Monday, April 29

Laying the groundwork for your campaign

With the November 2024 elections just six months away, now is the time for housing organizations to launch their nonpartisan election initiatives. This webinar will walk through key considerations for planning a strong voter and candidate engagement campaign. Courtney Cooperman, project manager of Our Homes, Our Votes, will discuss the essentials of keeping your campaign nonpartisan. Morgan Murray, voter engagement programs manager for the League of Women Voters, will share tips for launching a successful initiative that encompasses voter registration, education, and mobilization. Eddy Zerbe, deputy director of Students Learn Students Vote, will present on the nonpartisan Civic Holidays as an organizing tool for election season.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, and presentation slides.

Monday, May 20

voter registration 101

Because renters move more frequently than homeowners, they must update their voter registration more often, which imposes yet another obstacle to casting their ballots. The first step to empowering low-income renters to vote is providing accessible voter registration opportunities. This webinar will review strategies to incorporate registration into your organization’s day-to-day activities and organize designated voter registration events.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, and presentation slides. 

Monday, June 3

Forming Partnerships in your community

No organization needs to reinvent the wheel when launching their nonpartisan election initiatives. This webinar will explore the value of community partnerships that can increase your organization’s capacity to register, educate, and mobilize voters.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, presentation slides, saved chat, and transcript.

Monday, June 17

Tenant organizing and elections: getting out the renter vote

Tenant leaders are trusted messengers that can effectively register and mobilize their neighbors to vote. Join tenant and resident leaders to hear about their experiences registering, educating, and mobilizing voters in their buildings. Panelists will discuss how to develop messaging that builds trust and generates enthusiasm about participating in the political process, successful tactics for reaching first-time voters, ways to ensure that low-income renters have the resources and information they need to vote, how to organize residents to become leaders in their own communities’ election engagement efforts, and how to hold candidates accountable to their campaign promises. The webinar will feature a roundtable of leaders from the Minneapolis Highrise Representative Council, the city-wide public housing highrise tenant organization representing the interests of over 5000 residents living in the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's 42 public housing highrises.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, presentation slides, saved chat, and transcript.

Monday, July 1

Voting While Experiencing Homelessness

People experiencing homelessness, service providers, and election officials often face uncertainty about the process of voter registration for those without a permanent address. This webinar will discuss how people experiencing homelessness can exercise their voting rights and overcome the obstacles to making their voices heard in the political arena. Experts will discuss best practices for unhoused voters, shelters, and other agencies supporting people experiencing homelessness.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, presentation slides, saved chat, and transcript.

Monday, July 15

Transportation to the polls

Transportation barriers are one of the most common reasons why people do not turn out to vote, and lack of accessible transportation to the polls disproportionately disenfranchises low-income renters. This webinar will spotlight the impact of voter transportation programs, share opportunities for your organization to partner with existing nonpartisan voter transportation initiatives, and offer inspiration for those seeking to launch their own transportation to the polls.  

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, presentation slides, saved chat, and transcript.

Monday, July 29

Housing Providers and voter engagement

Affordable housing providers—including PHAs and HUD-subsidized providers—are in a strong position to register, educate, and mobilize their residents to vote. This webinar will feature providers that are employing creative strategies to promote civic engagement and get out the vote in their communities.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, presentation slides, saved chat, and transcript.

Monday, August 19

Getting candidates on the record on housing and homelessness

To elevate low-income housing as an election issue, candidates for elected office must understand that housing affordability and tenants’ rights are important to voters. Nonpartisan candidate engagement can encourage candidates to adopt strong housing platforms, educate voters about key election issues, and empower advocates to hold elected officials accountable to prioritizing housing justice. This webinar will explore some common methods to get candidates to discuss housing and homelessness solutions on the record, including candidate forums and questionnaires, and how to stay nonpartisan when engaging with candidates.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, slides, transcript, and saved chat.

Tuesday, September 3

Celebrating the civic holidays

Civic Holidays are nationwide, nonpartisan days of action to strengthen and celebrate our country’s democracy. Thousands of nonprofits, schools, businesses, local governments, and other organizations unite each year to promote civic participation through the four Civic Holidays: National Voter Registration Day, National Voter Education Week, Vote Early Day, and Election Hero Day. This webinar will cover how to plan an effective Civic Holidays activation and the resources available from national partners to support this work.

Click here for the webinar recap, recording, slides, transcript, and saved chat.

Monday, September 16

Voter education: The WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, AND HOW

To cast their ballots with confidence, voters need trusted information about where, when, and how to vote. Voters should also have access to information about who and what is on their ballot—both candidates and ballot measures—and why their vote matters. This webinar will cover the essential aspects of a nonpartisan voter education campaign that encompasses the who, where, when, what, why, and how of voting, including the stakes of voting for housing justice.  

Click here for the webinar recap, recording slides, transcript, and saved chat.

Monday, September 30

Voter Education: combating misinformation and disinformation

The rise of election misinformation and disinformation poses a threat to the democratic process and has a disproportionate effect on low-income voters. This webinar will cover the basics of misinformation and disinformation and share strategies that housing organizations can employ to counter the threat of voter misinformation and disinformation targeted towards their communities.

Click here for the webinar recording, recap, slides, transcript, and saved chat.

Monday, October 7

know your rights: voter protection during election season

Housing and homelessness organizations have an important role to play in voter protection: ensuring that every voter’s right to vote is respected and their ballot is counted. This webinar will share resources and strategies that nonprofit can employ to ensure that voters know their rights and participate in voter protection initiatives throughout election season.

Click here for the webinar recording, recap, slides, transcript, and saved chat.

Monday, October 21

Countdown to election day: Getting out the vote!

Early voting and Election Day involve an all-hands-on-deck effort to get voters to the polls – the culmination of months of voter registration, education, and mobilization activities. Panelists in this webinar will review effective and creative Get Out the Vote (GOTV) tactics, such as coordinating rides to the polls, reaching out to community members who have not yet voted, and activating voters through artistic expression.

Monday, November 4

overcoming voter suppression & Building confidence in elections

Deliberate voter suppression tactics, including restrictive voter ID laws, tend to disenfranchise members of the same communities that are at disproportionate risk of housing insecurity and homelessness. Misinformation about the voting process can also discourage voters from casting their ballots. This webinar will cover ways that housing and homelessness organizations can empower low-income renters to overcome obstacles to the ballot box, understand the voting process, and go into Election Day with confidence that their ballots will be counted.

Monday, November 18

A Look Ahead: Next Steps for civic engagement and housing justice

 A successful nonpartisan voter engagement campaign does not end on Election Day. After the election is over, housing and homelessness organizations should evaluate the impact of their activities, leverage the power of low-income renters as a voting constituency, and establish relationships with newly elected officials. This webinar will cover strategies to hold elected officials accountable to their campaign promises and advocate for long-term, systemic change to increase voter access.

An archive of all past Our Homes, Our Votes webinars is available below. 

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